Trabalhos Selecionados / Selected Works

Karaokê Fonético (Phonetic Karaoke) YstrandiLovi



Antena (Antenna)

Escultura sonora / Sound sculpture



Para guitarra elétrica e eletrônica em tempo real / 

For electric guitar and live electronics

2015 - 2021


Set para voz e eletrônica em tempo real / 

Voice and live electronics set

2013 - 2016

Proposta de Contratacao (Hirin Proposal)

Video performance


Proposta 02 (Proposition 02)

Para buzinas de festa a gás / For canned gas party air horns



Para vozes / For voices


Pretensioso pra Caralho

Os SuperFodas



Duo de improvisação livre / Free improvisation duo

2015 - 2021

Coletivo Plástico Preto

Grupo dedicado a performances multidisciplinares / Multidisciplinary performance group

2013 - 2015

Defeitos (Deffects)

Para guitarra e piano / For electric guitar and piano


Pulmão (Lungs)

Para quarteto de flautas / For flute quartet




Para duo de percussão / For percussion duo



Field recording and composition for the soundwalk Leiden (Un)heard, developed in collaboration with Sharon Stewart, Marcel Cobussen and Michiel Huijsman [NL] - 2022.

Mixing and mastering for the album MUDA, by Nariá Assis [BR] - 2022.

Analog technical development and construction of the sound installation Heterotopia - A escuta em situação, by artist Yuri Bruscky, for the ArtSonica exhibition at Oi Futuro Flamengo [BR] - 2019.

Soundscape, sound design and technical assembly for the solo exhibition Ponto de Queda, by artist Bianca Madruga, at Galeria Ibeu [BR] - 2019;

Editing and mixing for soundtrack; sound design; programming for video mapping and multimedia operation (Max/MSP/Jitter) for the theatre piece João por um Fio, dir. Ricardo Schöpke [BR, PT] - 2018.

Soundtrack, sound design and live sound diffusion for the theatre piece Alice - Underground lives my buried mind, by BAK Performing Arts, dir. João Marcello Pallotino [SCT, BR, MEX] - 2017.

Soundtrack, sound design and sound diffusion for the theatre piece Torn Apart by Romeo and Juliet, dir. João Marcello Palottino [SCT] - 2017.

Sound editing and mixing for video art by artist Joana César [BR] - 2017.

Technical development, programming and assembly for video installation by artist Vinícius Vargas [BR] - 2016.

Additional interactive programming (Max/MSP/Jitter) and soundtrack for the theatre piece Ludwig/2, by Artesanal Cia de Teatro, dir. Gustavo Bicalho [BR] - 2015.

Soundtrack, sound design and soundscape; audio editing, mixing and mastering for the short movie Sebastião, dir. Felipe O'Neill and Evandro Manchini [BR] - 2015.

Soundtrack, sound design and soundscape; audio editing, mixing and mastering for the short movie UnRio, dir. Felipe O'Neill and Evandro Manchini [BR] - 2014.

Soundtrack for the short movie Repressão, dir. Felipe O'Neill [BR] - 2014;

Soundtrack and sound design for the theatre piece Philippine - Uma peça para Pina Bausch [Philippine - A piece for Pina Bausch], by Hospedaria Companhia de Teatro, dir. João Marcello Pallotino [BR] - 2014.

Soundtrack for the multimedia theatre piece Um-Fausto [A-Faust], dir. Daniel Belquer [BR] - 2013.